How TA CR funds science and research

The Czech Republic has always been a country of innovation. Czech researchers are among the best in the world. Our country is a world leader in electron microscopy, which is a key tool for the development of nanotechnologies. The Czech Republic has a strong scientific base in the field of lasers, which paves the way for new technologies for the treatment of materials used e.g. in the surface hardening of metals or for increasing the resistance of optical components. Czech companies and research organisations are also intensively involved in the development of space rockets and satellites.

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is the main provider of state funding for research and innovation. Its objective is to promote cooperation between research organisations and businesses in order to ensure that practical uses are found for the results of applied research. State-funded projects generate unique products, patents and other outputs that make it possible to quickly apply the results of research in practice. We help to increase the competitiveness of the Czech economy, which is growing thanks mainly to innovative domestic and foreign companies.  

Main TACR programmes

  • THETA 2 – focuses on the support for applied research and innovation in the field of energy for projects in the public interest, new technologies with rapid application and long-term technological perspectives. Project themes are built on key trends in the energy industry.
  • BETA 3 – puts greater emphasis on the support of ministries research, which contributes to the improvement of the performance of state administration functions. Namely on legislative, organizational and administrative functions. The effort is to strengthen the building of an innovation ecosystem in public administration.
  • National Centres of Competence - ensures efficient collaboration between research organisations and businesses through virtual research centres focused on progressive disciplines that are crucial for increasing the Czech Republic’s competitiveness.
  • SIGMA - a new, comprehensive, and long-term instrument to support applied research and innovation projects. The main vision is the consolidation of several current TA CR programmes into a single programme, enabling regions to be supported according to their innovation potential, and support for cross-cutting and systemic measures, while leaving space to support areas/themes not identified at the time of programme preparation. The SIGMA programme will ensure the implementation of activities from the previous programmes, and International/EU instruments (e.g. ERA-NET Cofund, European Partnership, Bilateral Cooperation) in which the provider will be involved.

International cooperation support tools

  • The Bilateral cooperation is focused on funding bilateral projects between Czech researchers and their foreign partners, mainly from countries outside the European Economic Area. Since 2023 bilateral calls have been implemented under the SIGMA programme - partial International cooperation scheme.
  • The KAPPA programme is financed from the EEA and Norway Grants and aimed at financing bilateral or multilateral cooperation of entities from the Czech Republic with partners from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
  • ERA-NET Cofund within Horizon 2020 and European Partnership within Horizon Europe are mechanisms that enable Czech entities to establish multilateral research cooperation in various thematic calls every year.

TA CR is a member of the TAFTIE European network of innovation agencies, which gives us the opportunity to share experience and information with partner organisations that also support research, development, and innovation in various parts of the world.

In addition TA CR is involved in smaller international projects under the European Union ‘s Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 Programme, for instance in coordination support actions (CSAs).

Programmes managed by TA CR for ministries

As the main provider of state funding for research and innovation, TA CR also administers the programmes of individual ministries.

  • TREND programme of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which aims to increase the international competitiveness of enterprises through new products, manufacturing processes and services.
  • Transport 2030 programme of the Ministry of Transport aims to modernise transport while emphasising sustainability, safety and social needs.
  • Environment for Life programme of the Ministry of the Environment aims to create a healthy environment and promote sustainable use of natural resources. At the moment a follow-up programme is being prepared (Environment for Life programme 2)
  • PRODEF programme of the Ministry of Defense is being prepared in co-operation with TA CR. Programme will aim to increase the national and international competitiveness of Czech entities in the field of defense and security industry and help to strengthen the technological autonomy of the Czech Republic and the EU. 

Petr Konvalinka
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Matěj Štěpánek 

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